“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
Benjamin Franklin
My programming skills
My Education
Msc Applied Information and Data Science
During my master studies in applied information and data science at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) between 2023 and 2025 I gathered valuable skills in the domains of data management, machine learning approaches as well as project management. My final project aimed at the exploration of suitable machine learning techniques when applied to real-world financial data under consideration of the approaches of Explainable AI.
During this period I was working full- and part-time, such that I could apply the new knowledge in projects all while educating other employees on the potential and challenges of AI use cases in our daily work.
Bsc Business Information Technology
From Summer 2018 until 2021 I completed my Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology at the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) as a full-time student and best-of-class graduate.
During these years I got introduced to IT and could discover new technologies and methodologies in terms of programming, process and project management. It allowed me to make use of my business perspective while also learning about how to approach projects with Scrum, KANBAN and other agile frameworks. Moreover, I got the chance to develop desktop software, mobile apps and some smaller AI models together with my fellow peers.
My exchange semester in Vancouver, Canada proofed to be a great experience and further helped me to improve my language skills all while enjoying the canadian scenery and culture.
I wrote my Bachelors Thesis about the use cases of AI-supported e-mail response automation at a major financial institution of Switzerland. During this project, I could test my own analytical skills and take a leap into innovative software solutions. Finally, my findings were then presented to the management board. This experience enabled me to further bolster my interest in data by enrolling in my master studies later on.
Apprenticeship in Banking with Matura
From 2013 until 2016 I got to know the world of banking.
During these 3 years I worked in multiple departments at the cantonal bank of Aargau and discovered my interest in financial topics such as payment services, investment analysis and credit financing.
I also took the opportunity to get my Matura simultaneously, which allowed me to take the next step in my career: my BIT Bachelor’s degree.
Languages and Diplomas
- CPRE Requirements Engineering Level 1
- SIZ Anwender II
- Cambridge First
- DFP B2
Experiences and Service Duty
During and after my apprenticeship I collected 5 years of banking experience, which introduced me to nearly all major fields of business in the context of a universal bank. Overall, I was part of more than 10 teams. I supported back-office teams in (e-)payment services, asset management, credit administration and even logistics. I was also part of multiple sales teams where I assisted sales representatives of different customer segments in the private and the corporate sector.
After the completion of my Business Information Technology degree I had the opportunity to make use of my skills in my position as Business Excellence Manager at SIX SIS AG. In this role I was tasked with data gathering, clean-up and subsequent visualizations. A major part of my time is also dedicated to automation projects which I either take on myself, or am involved in a project management or analyst role. These tasks lead me to learn python as a main programming language and inspired me to take on a master’s degree in the field of data science. After my promotion to Securities Operations Specialist I was further involved in chatbot projects and the exploration of machine learning approaches applied to our data. During my time at SIX SIS I could collaborate with different people from various domain backgrounds such as IT, Business and Legal, and got the chance to collaborate on projects with Spanish, Polish and Indian colleagues on an international basis.
In 2025 I then transitioned out of the financial domain and into the public sector, where I now work as a Senior Data Manager and Enterprise Architect for the General Secretary of the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports (VBS) in Berne. Here, I’m getting the chance to contribute to the setup of an AI infrastructure as well as the setup of data quality guidelines for the departments of military, military procurement, sports and topology.
In the summer of 2017 I completed the military school as an accounting soldier in the caserne Drognens, located in Romont FR, Switzerland. During my service I was responsible for the accounting as well as revisions of the resulting financial reports.
Later on I was assigned to be the assistant of the quartermaster, for whom i had to do supporting tasks in his daily business.
The team-work with my french speaking supervisor and comrades improved my French and gave me a sense for initiative and organisation.
After completion of the school of recruits I decided to join the civil service in 2018, to complete my remaining duties as Swiss citizen. I chose to do my first service in the kitchen of our local hospital, where I was part of the cooking and dish-washing teams for 9 weeks.
Two years later I returned to the hospital to support the logistics department in their daily business. Here, I was responsible for the maintenance of the inventory, the timely delivery of orders as well as the physical re-stocking of products.
In the summer of 2021, I completed my service duty at a local physio-therapeutic rehabilitation center, where I got to transport patients on their way to their physiotherapy sessions, while also giving them some company and entertainment during times of boredom. This experience gave me the chance to interact with people of older age.